it was around this time last year that we threw a surprise grand re-opening party for Mo

last night i had my last meal at Kabob N Curry

i think when someone close to you loses something of great importance to them, their loss is yours too.

i cried so many times during this project -- the first time because we were completely in over our heads and i had no idea what we were getting into. the second and every other time after that, i had no good reason. i remember looking over at __ with his bags under his bloodshot eyes, it was past 2am on a weeknight and he'd have to wake up early for work. this scene repeated for 2 weeks straight and sometimes i would tear up during my drive home, for no reason in particular. and watching __ & __ cooking in the kitchen, __'s artwork, __'s special touches everywhere, __ taking her family and friends there to eat...soo many times i felt ________ i don't even have a word for it.

that feeling i got in the creamed corn aisle is freakin priceless and i hope i will never forget it.

and then somehow more and more people became involved in addition to the Seven: the staff at Home Depot who donated so much stuff, a photographer from Kansas, highschool friends, the Fortune 500 exec who gave us a one day MBA crash course, the person off the street who took a paintbrush and touched up our mistakes when we weren't there, and the million other people who played a part in this without our knowing.

but in the end, nothing really changed. Mo sold the restaurant a year after we came in. i know it was never our intention to save his business
This isn't a mission to see if seven random people can remake a restaurant...maybe we can't, and that's not the point.

our goal from the beginning was to show kindness to a stranger.
i really believe that we did

in the months after the drop, Mo became like an uncle to me, and there were times when he lectured me on everything from my shoes to my love life. one day i was telling him about a homeless project we were working on, and he asked me if i could name one homeless person we had helped who wasn't homeless anymore. could i give him the name of one person whose life had changed for the better because of something i had done

i couldn't. even though he didn't say it outright, i knew he was partly talking about himself and i still shoulder some of that blame. i know that *I* have changed for the better but does that count for anything? i have no tangible proof that we are making any kind of difference but i know that we should keep trying if only to learn how to make ourselves better. changing the world is nice but i know i'll never come close to it. changing myself is the one thing i am certain i can do.

anyway, Mo is planning to take a vacation, something he hasn't done in a long time. i'm happy that he's able to do what he wanted after all :)

drop complete.


Get this party started yo

On Saturday December 15, 7pm
Meet at the Stater Brothers market adjacent to the restaurant.
Go to the canned vegetable aisle and find the CREAMED CORN. There you will encounter either a point person or an envelope with further instructions.

Wear old clothes you don't mind getting paint on and something to cover your face (bandana, ski mask, sunglasses, zorro thingy, whatevs).

ps don't show up to Stater Bros with your ski mask already on...imagine if the manager found 7 masked freaks chillin by the creamed corn gahh we don't want to call attention to ourselves

If you haven't already, please open the attachment from the last email.
it contains a brilliant blueprint sketched by Mr. Big

Mohammed has chosen two color families, red and green
which coincidentally are the colors of the Bangladeshi flag! kub bhalo (yay!)

The right and left walls will be painted peapod green and the wall behind the counter will be late tomato. A darker pine green will be used to accent.

suggestions so far:
- potted plants. flowers for tables
- General Orlav is bringing 8 vases
- lighting: does anyone have a spare strand of white Christmas lights?
- art to hang on the walls. Roger Moore, you mentioned bringing in one of your pieces. i know some people who would want to display things as well
- red & yellow Kabob N' Curry t-shirts
- Bangladeshi flag
- small stereo (do you have an old one you aren't using anymore and are willing to donate?)
- sponges. for texturizing the paint
- decorative bottles, jars
- picture frames
- Mohammed doesn't have cutlery, he uses plastic forks
- paint is covered

Mr. Big has suggested bringing in red accent accessories

- www.kabobncurryoc.com this is his existing website
- ad in pennysaver
- reviews on yelp.com. he's already listed! unfortunately he has a rating of 2.5 stars.... for now (nudge nudge)
- citysearch.com
- blanketing surrounding neighborhoods with his fliers. Sean Connery might have the flier on file...if so, we can send that out and perhaps people can print a few at work or at home

other supplies we will need:
- paint brushes/ roller
- hammer, nails
- blue tape

since we won't meet as a group until the moment of the drop, it is IMPERATIVE that we communicate through this website. If you have an idea or can bring an item or want to handle a responsibility, own it!
but make sure you leave a comment (using your code name) so we know what bases are covered

and i just want to reiterate that there are no expectations here.
You don't have to bring anything or do anything.
You don't even have to show up on Saturday, and I know some of you won't be able to (you don't have to tell me either)

Everything (everything!) is a gift.


The Evidence.



behind the counter

mirror lines left wall

single strand of christmas lights

wall menu

TV area

right wall




The Drop.


You are reading this because you are one of the seven.

Your instructions are posted below.
Please do not share the information contained in this page with anyone until the drop is complete.

A decoy email has been sent to the people who didn't make the cut
so if anyone asks if you're a part of the group, ustedes no saben nada, comprenden?


Onto the details....

Name: Mohammed
Location: 14145 Red Hill Ave, Tustin, CA 92780
Profile: Mohammed is the owner of Kabob N' Curry, a tiny Indian restaurant specializing in...kabobs and curries.

Business hasn't been doing too well and Mohammed is on the verge of bankruptcy.

The restaurant itself is very humble - plain white paint and a few plastic plants as decoration. Nine or so small tables with metal chairs.
A large mirror lines one wall (the space was once a dance studio).
Styrofoam plates and cups.
He has a soda dispensing machine, but doesn't get enough customers in a day to afford to keep it running.

The Mission:
We have 20 days (20 DAYS!!!) to go Kabob N' CRRRRAAAAZY, extreme makeover restaurant edition.

Your Assignment:
For the next couple days, don't do anything.
Just think about it.
Based on your skill set, resources, time -- what are you capable of doing?
How much are you willing to give?
Not money, but of yourself...

Remember, there is no too much or too little. No expectations. We have a budget of zero. This drop will be as small or as big as you want it to be. Mohammed already knows something is up, but he doesn't know to what extent...none of us do, at this point.

At the very least, the walls will get a new coat of paint (paint has already been donated)
and perhaps we can blanket the surrounding neighborhoods with restaurant fliers.

Two "assistants" (outside of the seven) have volunteered their design expertise and photography skills.

You will receive an email whenever this site is updated with further instructions.

Please leave an ANONYMOUS comment with the words "I'm here" when you have finished reading this post.


compassion gang message one

It's ready.

You are one of the seven.

Before we begin, you must know that individually, each of you will dictate the direction of this mission. There is no right or wrong, too much or too little

but there is one rule:
Deny everything.

As a group, we do not exist.

In time, you will learn who the other six members are.

If for any reason you cannot commit, take the blue pill and the story ends.
Reply back with the words "blue pill" in the subject line
then delete this email.


see how deep the rabbit hole goes


when i was young me and my mama had beef...

5 bonus points if you know where those lyrics are from,
20 if you can rap the whole song for me

anywho... you are receiving this message because you have something i want...

every person on this list has been carefully chosen for a specific reason, a special "power" if you will

when i was in india, i was the intended recipient of a series of random acts of kindness committed by an elusive "Compassion Gang," which Jayeshbhai described as a group of seven anonymous individuals who do "crazy" things.

their performance has left a lasting impression on me, and upon returning to the US i resolved to orchestrate a mission of my own.
whether you are aware of it or not, you have already become a piece of it....

during a moment of clarity at 0738 pacific standard time on the morning of 14 october 2007,
i decided what the first "drop" would be, the details of which i am unable to divulge at this time.

i will say that say that this particular drop requires the collective resources of seven courageous individuals.

the beautiful thing about this is:
because each individual completes their unique task according to their specific "super powers,"
the outcome of this mission relies completely on this random combination of seven people.
i have no idea how this will turn out. yay!

if you would like to be a part of this momentous first mission, please reply to this email no later than 7:38pm on Thursday October 18, with nothing but the words "sweet lady" in the subject line.

I will reply to you with further instructions (once i come back from my vipassana retreat on oct 28 hah)

since i can only accept the first seven, don't worry, there will be other drops.