Get this party started yo

On Saturday December 15, 7pm
Meet at the Stater Brothers market adjacent to the restaurant.
Go to the canned vegetable aisle and find the CREAMED CORN. There you will encounter either a point person or an envelope with further instructions.

Wear old clothes you don't mind getting paint on and something to cover your face (bandana, ski mask, sunglasses, zorro thingy, whatevs).

ps don't show up to Stater Bros with your ski mask already on...imagine if the manager found 7 masked freaks chillin by the creamed corn gahh we don't want to call attention to ourselves

If you haven't already, please open the attachment from the last email.
it contains a brilliant blueprint sketched by Mr. Big

Mohammed has chosen two color families, red and green
which coincidentally are the colors of the Bangladeshi flag! kub bhalo (yay!)

The right and left walls will be painted peapod green and the wall behind the counter will be late tomato. A darker pine green will be used to accent.

suggestions so far:
- potted plants. flowers for tables
- General Orlav is bringing 8 vases
- lighting: does anyone have a spare strand of white Christmas lights?
- art to hang on the walls. Roger Moore, you mentioned bringing in one of your pieces. i know some people who would want to display things as well
- red & yellow Kabob N' Curry t-shirts
- Bangladeshi flag
- small stereo (do you have an old one you aren't using anymore and are willing to donate?)
- sponges. for texturizing the paint
- decorative bottles, jars
- picture frames
- Mohammed doesn't have cutlery, he uses plastic forks
- paint is covered

Mr. Big has suggested bringing in red accent accessories

- www.kabobncurryoc.com this is his existing website
- ad in pennysaver
- reviews on yelp.com. he's already listed! unfortunately he has a rating of 2.5 stars.... for now (nudge nudge)
- citysearch.com
- blanketing surrounding neighborhoods with his fliers. Sean Connery might have the flier on file...if so, we can send that out and perhaps people can print a few at work or at home

other supplies we will need:
- paint brushes/ roller
- hammer, nails
- blue tape

since we won't meet as a group until the moment of the drop, it is IMPERATIVE that we communicate through this website. If you have an idea or can bring an item or want to handle a responsibility, own it!
but make sure you leave a comment (using your code name) so we know what bases are covered

and i just want to reiterate that there are no expectations here.
You don't have to bring anything or do anything.
You don't even have to show up on Saturday, and I know some of you won't be able to (you don't have to tell me either)

Everything (everything!) is a gift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can bring:
8 Vases
1 strand christmas lights (on white wire)
1 radio/CD player (if you get it back from church, Mohammed can have it!)
1 Hammer (loan) - misc sized nails (donating!)
8-16 silk flowers. I have Michael's credit, I will see if I can get a red or yellow silk flower (and foliage) for each vase I bring...is that okay?
blue painter's tape. masking tape is cheaper; I may have some masking tape.

99c store has stuff; Big Lots too.

roll of paper for floor is more environmental...